• 2021-12-14

    Vikings' ship designed with modern methods. Alan Durajewski's engineering thesis

    Can you use CAD softwar to design a 3D model of a ship's hull constructed in compliance with Scandinavian ship-building methods? This question was answered by Alan Durajewski, ME, a graduate of ocean technology course who defended his ME thesis entitled "Design of a construction of a ship with Scandinavian methods, on teh basis of Gokstad find".    Gokstad find is a ship from the second half...

  • 2021-11-09

    He loves sailing, so... he printed his own canoe. Project by Eng. Maciej Karnowski

    He's a sailing fan, but didn't have room to store a large boat, so he decided to go for something smaller. As 3D printing is also his passion, so he printed ... a canoe in which he traverses the Motława River and the Martwa Wisła. Maciej Karnowski, a graduate of ocean engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology has just defended his engineering thesis entitled "The...

  • 2021-06-16

    Third edition of Agroabsolwent competition

    We are happy to announce the start of 3rd edition of Agroabsolwent competition  for the best diploma thesis connected with agricultrural subjects. The experiences from two previous editions proved to be very positive, so this year in order to increase the rank of the event and its range we invited the Association of Sustainable Agrigulture in Poland "ASAP" to cooperate with us, since the...

  • 2021-06-11

    Diploma thesis contest

    Pomeranian branch of Polish Federation of Engineering Associations NOT in Gdańsk announces the 3rd edition of the MSc and ME diploma thesis contest in the area of thechnical sciences. The contest is open for the authors of diploma theses defended in 2020/2021 academic year. Application deadline - 15.11.2021. The winners will receive financial prizes.   Contest rules and regulation and...