Internal System for Ensuring the Quality of Education is in effect at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. This system allows systematic monitoring, assessment and perfection of the realization of the teaching process for all study courses and levels of higher education, PhD studies and post-graduate studies conducted at the Faculty, in terms of realization of the assumed teaching effects and updating the curricula.  
The system was launched after careful consideration of the existing rules and recommendations formulated in the internal documents issued by Gdansk University of Technology.
The primary objective of the Internal System for Ensuring the Quality of Education at FMEST consists in raising the efficiency of the actions undertaken in relation with the realization of the mission and strategy of the Faculty, aligned with the GUT Vision of Development. Moreover, through constant perfection, the system faciliates the realization of the tasks in a manner that guarantees the recurrence of quality features.
Detals can be found in the FMEST Book of Education Quality.

Book of Education Quality

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