Third edition of Agroabsolwent competition | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-16

Third edition of Agroabsolwent competition

Człowiek w okularach VR ogląda pomidory
We are happy to announce the start of 3rd edition of Agroabsolwent competition  for the best diploma thesis connected with agricultrural subjects.

The experiences from two previous editions proved to be very positive, so this year in order to increase the rank of the event and its range we invited the Association of Sustainable Agrigulture in Poland "ASAP" to cooperate with us, since the values promoted and awarded in the competition are closely connected with the Association's mission. Following up on the last year's idea of giving additional awards to theses revolving around ecological agriculture and food production we started cooperation with companies associated in the Polich Eco-Food Chamber.

We accept MSc, BSc and BA theses defended in 2020 or 2021 into our competition. The subjects have to be connected with the development of agricultural business, that is with progress, innovation and sustainable development of farms, rural areas, ecology and other activities giving added value to rural environment, farms, health, natural environment, rural areas, agricultural and foodstuff industry and sustainable production of food.

Details of the competition in the letter

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