Students Science Clubs that are actively operating at the Faculty of Mechnical Engineering and Ship Technology are open for all student who wish to develop and expand their scientific interests. Participation in a science club is a great opportunity for meeting like-minded people sharing a passion, and for realization of interesting scientific projects. 

There are eight student research clubs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology:

Other activities of the research clubs:

  • Synertech

If the science clubs operating at the Faculty are not your cup of tea, you can always start your own science club! - get to know the rules and regulations covering the functioning of clubs and organizations at our university. 

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology highly values students' passion and involvement. This is why every year we provide partial funding for the realization of projects developed by students.

We also appreciate the students' time dedicated for their work in science club, therefore the Procedure for recognizing a specific subject study effecs, achieved as a result of participating in the activities of a science club. 

All the necessary information can be found in the section "Useful documents" below. 

Useful documents