Teaching | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Examples of remote teaching at the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design (and earlier at the Machine Design and Vehicles Department):

- "Zdalne nauczanie w innym stylu" ("Remote teaching in a different style") {PL version} – presentation presented at the Mechanics and Machine Design Institute's Seminar, Gdańsk, Poland, 2-06-2021 (corrected and supplemented version – for the needs of the created list of necessary changes in the eNauczanie PG – 3-07-2021)

- "Zdalne nauczanie przedmiotów PKM (lab CAD, C i W) oraz Pracy przejściowej przy wykorzystaniu platformy ZOOM" ("Remote teaching of Designe Machine subjects (CAD laboratory, exercises and lectures) and Term Project using ZOOM platform") {PL version} – material presented (in May 2020) as part of the "We are learning each other" campaign organized by the former Dean for Education, prof. Mariusz Deja. (In case of problems with opening the link from this page: http://docplayer.pl/189089459-Zdalne-nauczanie-przedmiotow-pkm-labcad-c-i-w-oraz-pracy-przejsciowej-przy-wykorzystaniu-platformy-zoom.html .)