Tribology Laboratory | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Tribology Laboratory

TriboLab tribology laboratory is one of the group of strategic laboratories of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GdanskTech) - CoreLab. It is a synthesis of the experience of teams from the merged faculties: the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, where parallel research groups in the field of tribology and bearing engineering operated and co-operated for many years. The history of this activity is measured decades of developing the laboratory base, improving skills and pursuing scientific, as well as R&D projects. The two faculties are now one - the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (since the year 2020), which allowed the two teams to merge as well. We have the experience and skills necessary to conduct both fundamental and industrial research; The latter being aimed at product improvement, functional analyses, or related to the analysis of the development and course of failures resulting from friction and wear in machines.