Faculty rules for ERASMUS + participation | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Faculty rules for ERASMUS + participation

General information

  1. In order to apply for a trip under the program in the academic year 2023/24, the following documents must be submitted to Ms. Marta Parszutowicz (Dean's Office) by March 31, 2023:
    • An application for departure containing information about the student and the place to which he / she is applying to travel
    • Weighted average of grades received up to and including the semester preceding the application
  1. The deadline for submitting travel applications may change.
  2. Each student may go on a trip under the Erasmus + program once in one study cycle, that is, once at the bachelor's level, once in the master's studies and once in the doctoral studies.
  3. The maximum duration of mobility under the Erasmus + program on one study cycle is 12 months. The duration of the mobility should not exceed the planned period of study. Students who have completed one year of study can apply for first-cycle studies, and those who have completed the first semester (at the time of departure, the first year or the first semester of a given degree must be completed, respectively).
  4. A student applying for a trip cannot have a point debt.
  5. All persons interested in mobility can look for more information on the website of International Cooperation (DMWA) or ask the Faculty Coordinator.
  6. The IMiO Department Coordinator is responsible for student mobility applications, information on the availability of partner universities and the number of places, as well as provides detailed information on the rules of qualifying for mobility.
  7. Recruitment for Erasmus + mobility is made by the selection committee, which consists of:
    • Vice-Dean of WIMiO
    • Coordinators of the Erasmus + WIMiO program
    • Student Representative (WRS).
  8. Classification takes place once a year at the beginning of the summer semester. In justified cases, an additional qualification for the winter semester will be organized for trips in the next summer semester.
  9. The student has the right to report three (3) preferences for the universities where he wants to study under the Erasmus + program.
  10. A student choosing a university in the application form is obliged to check the applicable education systems and curriculum of these universities.
  11. The results will be announced by 11/04/2023, and the final list of students qualified for the trip is approved by the appropriate Vice-Dean of the Military Institute of Medicine.
  12. In the case of vacancies remaining at partner universities after the end of the qualification, an additional qualification may be organized.

Qualification of applications and consent to travel

  1. Qualification takes place in a competition mode. The selection criteria are as follows:
    • Weighted average of grades received up to and including the semester preceding the application
    • Confirmed command of foreign languages ​​(including in particular the language required by the partner university).
    • Student activity in organizations, circles (in particular involvement in the ERASMUS + program) and additional student achievements.
    • In the case of Linneaus University Vaxjo and Fachhochschule Lübeck, due to the scope of cooperation in accordance with the agreements signed between universities, students from the IDE course are preferred.
  2. After completing the qualifications, the student must prepare a Learning Agreement in cooperation with the partner university, which must be approved by the appropriate Vice-Dean of WIMiO, Erasmus + Faculty Coordinator and Erasmus + University Coordinator. The student is obliged to write out the same number of ECTS points as he would obtain at the home university in the semester during which he or she is leaving. The content of the subjects included in the program of the partner university cannot be significantly different from the study program.
  3. Preliminary approval will be granted to students with an average grade not lower than 3.6, and in the case of enrollment in the Fachhochschule Lübeck 3.7.
  4. The consent of the vice-dean for the trip will be scheduled for one semester, with the possibility of extension for the second semester provided that all subjects are completed in the first semester of the trip.
  5. The condition for expressing consent to travel abroad (Dean's signature on the document "Application for travel abroad") is:
    1. submission of an Agreement on the curriculum accepted (signed) by the home university and the host university (the so-called Learning Agreement) with a comparative table of the content of the subjects
    2. confirmation of passing all subjects included in the study plan by the end of the semester before departure.
  6. Changes to the Learning Agreement are accepted up to 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester at the host university.
  7. When settling the trip, only the subjects included in the Learning Agreement and its approved change are taken into account.

Rules for completing the Item Comparison Table

  1. The student completes the Subject Comparison Chart before preparing the Learning  Agreement (LA).
  2. In the column "Subject carried out in accordance with the study program at the Gdańsk University of Technology" enter the subjects carried out at GdańskTech for the semester for which the trip is planned in under the ERASMUS + program.
  3. In the column "Name of an equivalent subject carried out as part of the exchange ERASMUS+ at a foreign university" enter the subjects selected for implementation at the university, which are most relevant to the subject and content of the GdańskTech curriculum.
  4. Note! One subject at GdańskTech can be fulfilled with two or more subjects from a partner university and vice versa - one subject from a partner university can account for two or more subjects taught at GdańskTech. It will strongly depend on the content of the courses and the number of ECTS credits.
  5. The table should first be presented to the Faculty Coordinator for preliminary approval. After obtaining the Coordinator's signature, submit it to the vice-dean for student affairs in order to obtain approval of the study plan.
  6. The table should be accompanied by the cards of the subjects to be taught at the foreign university, to facilitate their comparison with the subjects at GdańskTech.
  7. After obtaining the approval, the student should prepare a Learning Agreement in the OLA system.
  8. If during the stay at a foreign university there is a change of subjects, it is necessary prepare the same table; it should be sent back to the Dean's Office and get approval before making changes to LA.
  9. If it is not possible to select equivalent subjects, the Dean determines the differences syllabus that the student will have to complete upon return.

Double-Degree programme with Bremen

The Faculty of Mechanical and Shipbuilding Engineering offers an international multiple-qualification Master's program in collaboration with the Hochschule Bremen (HSB Germany). The study programs are conducted in English and are dedicated to both Polish and foreign candidates. The requirements to be met by the candidate are described in the individual programs.

The offered program is a two-year, interdisciplinary joint study, during which students carry out annual mobility financed by the Erasmus + program. Importantly, program students do not pay fees for studying at a partner university, and graduates receive 2 diplomas at the same time - a diploma from Gdańsk University of Technology and a diploma from a partner university, depending on the chosen path of education.

More information: Engineering and Management of Space Systems | Politechnika Gdańska (pg.edu.pl)