Ordinances of the Dean | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology
Ordinance no. 15/12/2024 regarding the appointment of the Faculty Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Education (pdf, 1.16MB)
Ordinance no. 14/12/2024 regarding the appointment of curriculum committees (pdf, 2.11MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 13/12/2024 on changing the coordinator of the Team Research Projects (pdf, 387.68kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 12/11/2014 on appointing the coordinators of the Team Research Projects (pdf, 422.65kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 11/10/2024 on appointing the Faculty coordinators and administrators (pdf, 425.40kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 08/05/2024 regarding the introduction of the principles for applying for the decrease of didactic workload at FMEST, GUT from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 1.70MB)
Ordinance no. 07/04/2024 regarding the appointing of the Vocational Practice Board for the academic year 2023/2024 (pdf, 1.04MB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 05/04/2024 regarding the current fees for using the infrastructure of the GdańskTECH Experimental Facility in Iława (pdf, 965.28kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 04/03/2024 egarding the introduction of changes in the Regulation of awarding public procurement orders whose value does not exceed 130.000 PLN at the FMEST. (pdf, 931.73kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 03/02/2024 regarding the introdction of the Bonus awarding rules at FMEST in 2024 (pdf, 2.13MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 01/01/2024 regarding the changes in the makeup of the appointed curricula committees (pdf, 972.84kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 18/12/2023 regarding the introduction of changes in the Bonus awarding regulations at FMEST in 2023 (pdf, 1.79MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 17/11/2023 regarding the introduction of the principles of the registration of students for the next term at FMEST, GdanskTech (pdf, 1.18MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 16/10/2023 regarding the appointment of the curricula committees (pdf, 2.07MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 14/09/2023 regarding the introduction of changes in the Detailed principles of the diploma awarding process at FMEST, GdańskTech (pdf, 7.00MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 13/09/2023 regarding the introduction of changes in the Principles and forms of assessing students at FMEST, GdańskTech (pdf, 2.60MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 10/07/2023 regarding the introduction of the Regulations for managing the research infrastructure at FMEST, Gdansk University of Technology (pdf, 1.42MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 09/07/2023 regarding the introduction of the principles regarding the reinstitution of students' rights at FMEST, GdanskTech (pdf, 883.13kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 08/07/2023 regarding the introduction of the principles of the registration of students for the next term at FMEST, GdanskTech (pdf, 1.19MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 07/07/2023 regarding the principles for the realization of the didactic classes in 2023/2024 academic year. (pdf, 2.24MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 06/05/2023 regarding the settlement for the didactic hours for classess conducted in English (pdf, 907.07kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 05/04/2023 regarding the introduction of the principles for applying for the decrease of didactic workload at FMEST, GUT from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 1.71MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 01/01 2023 egarding the introduction of changes in the Regulation of awarding public procurement orders whose value does not exceed 130.000 PLN at the FMEST. (pdf, 283.00kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 31/12/2022 regarding the introduction of changes in the Detailed principles of diploma awarding at FMEST (pdf, 1.73MB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 30/12/2022 regarding the introdction of the Bonus awarding rules at FMEST in 2023 (pdf, 711.94kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no.29/11/2022 regarding the revoking of ordinances (pdf, 104.49kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 26/10/2022 regarding the appointment of the team preparing the curricula for design and construction of yachts and off-shore structures study courses (pdf, 140.22kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 25/09/2022 regarding the realization of didactic activities in 2022/2023 academic year. (pdf, 532.29kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 24/09/2022 regarding the appointment of the team for preparing the curricula of the fields of study. (pdf, 182.68kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 23/09/2022 regarding the introduction of the regulations for public procurement at FMEST GUT whose value does not exceed 130000 PLN (pdf, 2.24MB)
Ordinance no. 22/09/2022 regarding the settlement for didactic hours for classes conducted in English (pdf, 273.37kB)
Ordinance no. 21/09/2022 regarding the appointing of the Vocational Practice Board for the academic year 2022/2023 (pdf, 311.87kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no 20/09/2022 regarding the introduction of the Regulations for the organization of boating and sailing courses and trainings in the FMEST Experimental Facility in Iława (pdf, 1.21MB)
The ordinance of the Dean no 19/08/2022 regarding the introduction of the Regulations for the FMEST Experimental Facility in Iława (pdf, 1.79MB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 18/07 2022 regarding the appointment of the Committee for the Accreditation of Didactic Laboratories (pdf, 168.70kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 17/07/2022 regarding the change of the legal status of the Deepwater Technology Laboratory (pdf, 114.40kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean of 14/06/2022 regarding the amendments of the Principles of applying for reduction of the didactic teaching load at FMEST in 2022/2023 academic year. (pdf, 152.66kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 13/03/2022 regarding the current fees for using the infrastructure of the GdańskTECH Experimental Facility in Iława (pdf, 287.41kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 11/02/2022 regarding the changes in conducting didactic classes (pdf, 105.83kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 10/02/2022 regarding the rules for introducing changes in the curricula for the courses conducted at FMEST (pdf, 958.25kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 09/02/2022 regarding the introduction of the regulation for the individualized program of study (pdf, 886.87kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 08/02/2022 regarding the introduction of the rules for requesting the reduction of the teaching load at FMEST in 2022/2023 academic year (pdf, 552.72kB)
The Ordinance of the Dean no. 07/02/2022 regarding the introduction of the regulation of awarding bonuses at FMEST in 2022/2023 academic year (pdf, 533.25kB)
The ordinance of Dean no. 05/02/2022 regarding the introduction of the Entrepreneurs' Council Regulations (pdf, 702.17kB)
Ordinance of the Dean no. 03/01/2022 regarding the settlement of didactic activities conducted in English (pdf, 143.90kB)
The ordinance of the Dean no. 02/01/2022 regarding the introduction of a change in the detailed principles of the diploma awarding process at FMEST (pdf, 123.54kB)