- Resolution no. 6/04 on expressing the opinion on the report of the activities of Faculty Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Education at FMEST in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 319.98kB)
- Resolution no. 5/04 on expressing the opinion on launching a new general academic profile MSc study course smart renewable energy engineering at FMEST from 2025/2026 academic year (pdf, 306.38kB)
- Resolution no. 4/04 on expressing the opinion on the new curriculum of general academic profile stationary MSc course nuclear power production, conducted at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 326.76kB)
- Resolution no. 3/04 on expessing the opinion on changes in the curriculum of general academic profile MSc course ships and off-shore constructions conducted in English at FMEST in 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 338.63kB)
- Resolution no. 2/04 on expressing the opinion on changes in the curriculum of general academic profile non-stationary MSc course ships and off-shore constructions, conducted at FMEST in 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 327.93kB)
- Resolution no. 1/04 on expressing the opinion on changes in the curriculum of general academic profile stationary MSc course ships and off-shore constructions, conducted at FMEST in 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 324.06kB)
- Resolution no. 2/03 on expressing the opinion on starting new MSc stationary course Nuclear power generation conducted at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 333.03kB)
- Resolution no. 1/03 on expresing the opinion on the modifications in the curriculum of stationary general academic profile MSc study course transport and logistics, conducted at FMEST in 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 318.60kB)
- Resolution no. 4/02 on expressing an opinion on the request to renew the 2nd edition of post-graduate course construction of yachts at FMEST in 2025/2026 academic year (pdf, 275.72kB)
- Resolution no. 3/02 om expressing the opinion on modification in the curriculum of non-stationary, general academic profile MSc study course mechanics and machine construction conducted at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 337.95kB)
- Resolution no. 2/02 on expressing the opinion on modification in the curriculum of stationary, general academic profile MSc study course mechanics and machine construction conducted at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 336.87kB)
- Resolution no.1/02 on expressing the opinion on modification in the curriculum of stationary, general academic profile MSc study course medical and mechanical engineering conducted at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 340.86kB)
- Resolution no. 10/01 on expresing an opinion on the changes in the curriculum of 2nd degree general academic study course in production engineering and management at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 337.30kB)
- Resolution no. 9/01 on expresing an opinion on the changes in the curriculum of 2nd degree general academic study course in mechatronics at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 329.04kB)
- Resolution no. 8/01 on expresing an opinion on the changes in the curriculum of 2nd degree general academic study course in energy production at FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 324.02kB)
- Resolution no. 7/01 on expressing an opinion on the change of employment conditions of Wojciech Olszewski, MSc, ME, employed at Naval Architecture Institute (pdf, 300.57kB)
- Resolution no. 6/01 on expressing an opinion on the change of employment conditions of Pawła Załuskiego, PhD, ME zatrudnionego wemployed at Mechanics and Machine Construction Institute (pdf, 313.20kB)
- Resolution no. 5/01 on expressing an opinion on employing professor Jarosław Szwedowicz, PhD, DSc, ME in didactic employee group for 1/4 FTE, as a Gdansk Tech Professor, for a definite period of time from 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025 at Mechanics and Machine Construction Institute (pdf, 325.35kB)
- Resolution no. 4/01 on expressing an opinion on employing professor professor Janusz Musiał, PhD, DSc, ME in didactic employee group for 1/2 FTE, as a Gdansk Tech Professor, for a definite period of time from 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025 at Mechanics and Machine Construction Institute (pdf, 318.28kB)
- Resolution no. 3/01 on expressing an opinion on employing professor Adama Barylskiego, PhD, DSc, ME in didactic employee group for 1/4 FTE, as a Gdansk Tech Professor, for a definite period of time from 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025 at Mechanics and Machine Construction Institute (pdf, 303.55kB)
- Resolution no. 2/01 on expressing an opinion on granting an unpaid leave to Katarzyna Mazur MSc, ME, employed at Mechanics and Machine Construction Institute for the period of 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025 (pdf, 265.89kB)
- Resolution no. 1/01 on expressing an opinion on granting an unpaid leave to Hanna Pruszko MSc, ME, employed at Naval Architecture Institute for the period of 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025. (pdf, 263.49kB)
- Resolution no. 11/31 on expressing an opinion regarding the employment of Jacek Nakielski, PhD, ME as an assistant professor in didactic employees group, for an indefinite period of time in the Institute of Naval Architecture (pdf, 268.25kB)
- Resolution no. 10/31 on expressing an opinion on the applications for the Rector's award for the lifetime achievements (pdf, 238.90kB)
- Resolution no. 9/31 on expressing an opinion on the applications for the Rector's award for team organizational effort in 2023 (pdf, 248.51kB)
- Resolution no. 8/31 on expressing an opinion on the applications for the Rector's award for personal organizational effort in 2023 (pdf, 249.90kB)
- Resolution no. 7/31 on expressing an opinion on the application for the Rector's award for team didactic achievement in 2023 (pdf, 243.25kB)
- Resolution no. 6/31 on expressing an opinion on the application for the Rector's award for personal didactic achievement in 2023 (pdf, 247.70kB)
- Resolution no. 5/31 on expressing an opinion on the application for the Rector's award for team achievement in R&D activities in 2023 (pdf, 260.93kB)
- Resolution no. 4/31 on expressing an opinion on the applications for the Rector's award for personal achievement in R&D activities in 2023 (pdf, 261.09kB)
- Resolution no. 3/31 on expressing an opinion on the applications for the Rector's award for scientific achievements for young employees in 2023 (pdf, 249.94kB)
- Resolution no. 2/31 on expressing and opinion on the applications for Rector's award for personal scientific achievements for 2023 (pdf, 249.57kB)
- Resolution no. 1/31 on expressing an opinion on the application for the special Rector's award for 2023 (pdf, 239.45kB)
- Act no. 3/30 on expressing the opinion regarding the creating of post-graduate study course Energy Transformation in partnership with Ukraine, at FMEST, Gdansk University of Technology in 2024/2025 academic year (pdf, 267.97kB)
- Act no. 2/30 on expressing the opinion regarding the modified curriculum of 1st degree study course, general academic profile, Medical and Mechanical Engineering, realized in inter-university mode by Gdansk Medical University and FMEST from 2024/2025 academic year. (pdf, 314.70kB)
- Act no. 1/30 on expressing an opinion on the candidacy of professor Mariusz Deja, PhD, DSc, ME for the post of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 238.17kB) (pdf, 238.17kB)
- Resolution no. 3/29 on expressing the opinion on the report on the realization of FMEST Development strategy in 2023 (pdf, 652.54kB)
- Resolution no. 2/29 on expressing the opinion on naming a street in Gdansk after professor Lech Konrad Kobyliński, long-lasting head of the Shipbuilding Institute, Doctor Honoris Causa (pdf, 267.02kB)
- Resolution no. 1/29 on expressing the opinion on changing the employment conditions of Cezary Żrodowski, PhD, ME. Starting from 01.04.2024 employed as a university professor in didactic staff group. (pdf, 687.98kB)
- Act no. 2/28 regarding the expressing of opinion on the curricula of stationary 2nd degree course of general academic profile, ships and off-shore structures major, conducted in English at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 383.31kB)
- Act no. 1/28 regarding the expressing of opinion on the curricula of stationary and non-stationary 2nd degree course of general academic profile, ships and off-shore structures major at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 378.72kB)
- Act no. 1/27 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of curriculum in 2nd degree study course of general-academic profile for inter faculty energy production profile realized by FMEST, FECE, FCEE, consisting in discontinuation of the specialty entitled (pdf, 346.24kB)
- Act no. 2/26 regarding the expressing of opinion on the report from the activities of Faculty Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Education (pdf, 252.80kB)
- Act no. 1/26 regarding the expressing of opinion on accepting the new Quality Book at FMEST, GUT (pdf, 258.56kB)
- Act no. 2/25 regarding giving opinion on the Faculty procedure for recognizing the study effects for a subject, achieved through a student's participation in the activities of a science club at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology (pdf, 689.24kB)
- Act no. 1/25 regarding giving opinion on renewing the 18th edition of a skills-improvement course International Welding Engineer in 2023/2024 academic year conducted at FMEST, GUT (pdf, 674.34kB)
- Act no. 10/24 regarding giving opinion on introducing changes to the Detailed rules for diploma awarding process at FMEST, GUT (pdf, 324.12kB)
- Uchwała nr 9/24 w sprawie wyrażenia opinii na temat wprowadzenia zmian w Zasadach i formach oceniania studentów na WIMiO PG (pdf, 354.62kB)
- Act no. 8/24 regarding giving opinion on granting an unpaid leave to Damian Jakowski, MSc, ME for the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024 (pdf, 294.79kB)
- Act no. 7/24 regarding giving an opinion on employing Sławomir Makowski, PhD, ME, as an assistant professor in the didactic employee group on a half-time basis in the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024, in the Institute of Enegry (pdf, 380.39kB)
- Act no. 6/24 regarding giving an opinion on changing the employment conditions for Katarzyna Mazur, MSc, ME, employed for an indefinite time period as an assistant lecturer in the didactic employee group in the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Construction (pdf, 381.30kB)
- Act no. 5/24 regarding giving an opionion on employing Jacek Nakielski Phd, ME as an assistant professor in the didactic employee group on a full-time basis in the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.06.2024 in the Institute of Ship Construction (pdf, 350.91kB)
- Act no. 4/24 regarding giving an opinion on changing the employment conditions for Piotr Bzura, PhD, ME, employed for an indefinite period of time as an assistant professor in the didactic employee group, on a full-time basis, in the Institute of Ship Construction (pdf, 367.08kB)
- Act no. 3/24 regarding giving an opinion on employing Bogdan Rozmarynowski, PhD, DSc, ME as a university professor in the didactic employee group on a half-time basis in the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2025, in the Institute of Ship Construction (pdf, 361.69kB)
- Act no. 2/24 regarding giving an opinion on changing the employment conditions for Krzysztof Krzysztofowicz, PhD, ME, employed for an indefinite time period as an assistant professor in the didactic employee group in the Institute of Machine and Materials Technology (pdf, 377.59kB)
- Act no. 1/24 regarding giving an opinion on employing Professor Adam Barylski, PhD, DSc, ME as a professor in the didactic employee group on a half-time basis in the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024 in the Institute of Machine and Materials Technology (pdf, 357.91kB)
- Act no. 5/23 regarding the expressing of the opinion on launching the post-graduate course in Ship Building at FMEST, GUT (pdf, 278.97kB)
- Act no. 4/23 regarding the expressing of the opinion on modifying the employment conditions for Bartosz Dawidowicz, PhD, ME employed for an indefinite period in the Institute of Energy (pdf, 306.00kB)
- Act no. 3/23 regarding the expressing of opinion on modifying the employment conditions for Waldemar Targański, PhD, ME, employed for an indefinite period in the Institute of Energy (pdf, 307.31kB)
- Act no. 2/23 regarding the expressing of opinion on modifying the employment conditions for Sławomir Szymański, PhD, ME, employed for an indefinite period in the Institute of Machine Technology and Materials (pdf, 307.84kB)
- Act no. 1/23 regarding the expressing of opinion on modifying the employment conditions for Marzena Banaszek, PhD, ME, employed for an indefinite period in the Institute of Energy (pdf, 297.27kB)
- Act no. 9/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the changes in the curriculum of the general academic 1st degree study course in Mechanics and Machine Construction at FMEST in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 280.25kB)
- Act no. 8/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, team organizational achievements (pdf, 253.45kB)
- Act no. 7/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, individual organizational achievements (pdf, 257.07kB)
- Act no. 6/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on egarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, team didactic (pdf, 249.68kB)
- Act no. 5/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, individual didactic achievements (pdf, 250.10kB)
- Act no. 4/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, team research and development achievements (pdf, 261.07kB)
- Act no. 3/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, individual research and development achievements (pdf, 261.80kB)
- Act no. 2/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, young employees' scientific achievements (pdf, 255.58kB)
- Act no. 1/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for the Rector award for 2022, individual scientific achievements (pdf, 253.15kB)
- Act no. 2/21 regarding the expressing of opinion on the changes in the curriculum of the general academic 1st degree study course in Transport and Logistics conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 293.33kB)
- Act no. 1/21 regarding the expressing of opinion on the change of the name of the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Technology to the Institute of Ships Construction (pdf, 213.00kB)
- Act no. 4/20 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modifications in the curriculum of full-time 1st degree study course in mechatronics, general academic profile, conducted at FMEST, starting from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 292.41kB)
- Act no. 3/20 regarding the expressing of opinion on the curriculum of full-time 1st degree study course in naval vessels and off-shore structures, general academic profile, conducted at FMEST, starting from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 289.24kB)
- Act no. 2/20 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modifications in the curriculum of full-time 1st degree study course in design and construction of yachts, general academic profile, conducted at FMEST, starting from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 293.59kB)
- Act no. 1/20 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modifications in the curriculum of full-time 1st degree study course in machine and ship construction, general academic profile, conducted at FMEST, starting from 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 287.96kB)
- Act no. 6/19 regarding the expressing of opinion on the report on realization of the FMEST development strategy (pdf, 281.13kB)
- Act no. 5/19 regarding the appointment of the Returning Committee at the Faculty Council (pdf, 268.39kB)
- Act no. 4/19 regarding the expressing of opinion on the FMEST's resignation from joint conducting of inter-faculty Space and Satellite technologies study course in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 330.68kB)
- Act no. 3/19 regarding the expressing of opinion on the FMEST's resignation from joint conducting of inter-faculty Materials Science stud course in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 318.45kB)
- Act no. 2/19 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of the study course name fom ships and off-shore structures to naval vessels and off-shore structures at full-time 1st and 2nd degree study course, extramural 2nd degree study course and full-time 2nd degree study course in English of general-academic profile, conducted at FMEST in 2023/2024 academic year (pdf, 366.18kB)
- Act no. 1/19 regarding the expressing of opinion on te modification of employment conditions for Wiktor Sieklicki PhD, ME, employed as an assisstant professor in the group of didactic employees for indefinite time period. The proposed modification concerns the employment in full-time conditions from 01.10.2023 (pdf, 311.74kB)
- Act no. 5/18 regarding the expressing of opinion on admissions for energy production study course (pdf, 197.23kB)
- Act no. 4/18 regarding the expressing of opinion on admissions for materials science study course (pdf, 206.86kB)
- Act no. 3/18 regarding the expressing of opinion modifications in the Detailed principles for diploma awarding procedure at FMEST (ZDz no. 17/09/2021 of 24 September 2021) (pdf, 204.35kB)
- Act no. 2/18 regarding the expressing of opinion on admissions for space and satellite technologies study course (pdf, 229.95kB)
- Act no. 1/18 regarding the expressing of opinion on Self-assessment report for production management and engineering study course (pdf, 214.54kB)
- Act no. 2/17 regarding the expressing of opinion on Organizational regulations effective at FMEST, GdańskTech (pdf, 220.60kB)
- Act no. 1/17 regarding the expressing of opinion on the report covering activities of Faculty Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Education (pdf, 247.02kB)
- Ordinance no. 2/16 regarding the expressing of opinion on the curriculum of stationary 2nd degree study course of a general academic profile in the field of production engineering and management at FMEST (pdf, 150.06kB)
- Ordinance no. 1/16 regarding the appointment of the Returning Committee of the Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology GdańskTech (pdf, 125.14kB)
- Ordinance no. 6/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on the works and expenditures plan at FMEST for 2022 (pdf, 116.66kB)
- Ordinance no. 5/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on selectable subjects for students studying within an Erasmus+ program at FMEST (pdf, 132.79kB)
- Ordinance no. 4/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of the curriculum of extramural 2nd degree study course of general academic profile in the field of mechanics and machine construction at FMEST (pdf, 151.80kB)
- Ordinance no. 3/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of the employment confitions of Katarzyna Mazur MSc, ME employed for an indefinite time on the position of a didactic assistant in the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Construction from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2022 full time employment, from 01.10.2023 1/20 full time equivalent (pdf, 167.76kB)
- Ordinance no. 2/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of the employment conditions for Wojciech Olszewski MSc, ME, employed for a indefinite time on the position of a lecturer - didactic employee group in the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Technology, from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023 half time employment, from 01.10.2023 1/20 full time equivalent (pdf, 174.13kB)
- Ordinance no. 1/15 regarding the expressing of opinion on the employment of Sławomir Makowski PhD, ME on the position of assistant professor - didactic employee group for a definite time from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023 1/4 full time equivalent in the Institute of Energy (pdf, 151.22kB)
- Ordinance no. 9/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of the curriculum of the second degree study course of general-academic profile at ocean technology course, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. (pdf, 145.83kB)
- Ordinance no. 8/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the second degree extramural course of general-academic profile at ocean technology course from January 1st 2026, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 146.52kB)
- Ordinance no. 7/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the second degree stationary course of general-academic profile at ocean technology course, including the studies conducted in English (3 and 4 term studies) from January 1st 2026, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 160.98kB)
- Ordinance no. 6/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the first degree extramural study course of general-academic profile at ocean technology course from January 1st 2026, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 143.64kB)
- Ordinance no. 5/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the first degree stationary study course of general-academic profile at ocean technology course from January 1st 2027, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 147.11kB)
- Ordinance no. 4/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the first degree stationary course of practical profile design and construction of yachts from January 1st 2028, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 149.06kB)
- Ordinance no. 3/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the discontinuation of the inter-factulty second degree stady course of general-academic profile at off-shore and coastal engineering study course from January 1st 2025, conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 151.90kB)
- Ordinance no. 2/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the re-opening of the 17th edition of the upskilling course International Welding Engineer I in 2022/2023 academic year at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology (pdf, 134.67kB)
- Ordinance no. 1/14 regarding the expressing of opinion on the employment of professor Adam Barylski, PhD, DSc, ME on the post of a professor in the group of didactic staff on a half-time basis in the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023 at the Institute of Machine and Materials Technology (pdf, 159.57kB)
- Ordinance no. 15/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the study curriculum for second degree stationary study course in materials science in 2022/2023 academic year (pdf, 148.32kB)
- Ordinance no. 14/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the study curriculum for first degree stationary study course in materials science in 2022/2023 academic year (pdf, 149.56kB)
- Ordinance no. 13/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the amendments in the regulation of students' internship (pdf, 112.11kB)
- Ordinance no. 12/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a special Rector's prize for 2021 (pdf, 131.56kB)
- Ordinance no. 11/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for personal organizational achievements (pdf, 139.11kB)
- Ordinance no. 10/12 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for team didactic achievements (pdf, 139.88kB)
- Ordinance no. 9/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for personal didactic achievements (pdf, 135.14kB)
- Ordinance no. 8/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for team research and development activity achievements (pdf, 144.11kB)
- Ordinance no. 7/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for personal research and development activity achievements (pdf, 144.87kB)
- Ordinance no. 6/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for scientific achievements for young personnel (pdf, 136.38kB)
- Ordinance no. 5/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for team scientific achievements (pdf, 133.21kB)
- Ordinance no. 4/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for personal scientific achievements (pdf, 133.90kB)
- Ordinance no. 3/13 wregarding the expressing of opinion on the applications for a Rector's prize for 2021, for lifetime achievements (pdf, 136.54kB)
- Ordinance no. 2/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of employment conditions for Bogdan Ścibiorski, PhD, ME (pdf, 145.46kB)
- Ordinance no. 1/13 regarding the expressing of opinion on the modification of employment conditions for Aleksandra Wiśniewska, PhD, ME (pdf, 145.84kB)
- Ordinance no. 6/22 regarding the expressing of opinion on the Principles of introducing changes in the curricula for study courses conducted at GUT FMEST (pdf, 535.70kB)
- Ordinance no. 5/11 regarding the expressing of opinion on the Regulation of studying for the individual study course at GUT FMEST (pdf, 537.58kB)
- Ordinance no. 4/11 regarding the expressing of opinion on the report of the activities of the Faculty Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Education (pdf, 441.30kB)
- Ordinance no. 3/11 regarding the expressing of opinion on the Book of the Quality of Education at GUT FMEST (pdf, 582.92kB)
- Ordinance no. 2/11 regarding the expressing of opinion on the Report of Self-assessment for Ocean Technology study course (pdf, 394.01kB)
- Ordinance no. 1/11 regarding the expressing of opinion on the Report of Self-assessment for Mechatronics study course (pdf, 393.94kB)
- Resolution no. 6/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree inter-faculty study course in energy production realized at FMEST, FECE, FCEE. (pdf, 162.43kB)
- Resolution no. 5/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree inter-university study course in medical and mechanical engineering, realized by GDANSK TECH and MU Gdańsk (pdf, 149.63kB)
- Resolution no. 4/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in mechatronics (pdf, 126.81kB)
- Resolution no. 3/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in transportation and logistics (pdf, 131.59kB)
- Resolution no. 2/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in mechanics and machine construction, stationary and extramural studies (pdf, 139.53kB)
- Resolution no. 1/10 regarding expressing the opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in ocean technology, stationary and extramural studies (pdf, 266.51kB)
- Resolution no. 3/08 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in ocean technology, stationary and extramural courses (pdf, 136.60kB)
- Resolution no. 2/08 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in transportation and logisticsa (pdf, 130.71kB)
- Resolution no. 1/08 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of 2nd degree study course in mechatronics (pdf, 130.66kB)
- Resolution no. 6/07 regarding giving opinion on the Regulation of the Council of Entrepreneurs (pdf, 124.12kB)
- Resolution no. 5/07 regarding giving opinion on detailed rules of awarding diploma at FMEST GdańskTECH (pdf, 165.75kB)
- Resolution no. 4/07 regarding giving opinion on FMEST organization regulations (pdf, 133.41kB)
- Resolution no. 3/07 regarding giving opinion unpaid leave, Dr. Eng. Piotr Szulczewski from 01/10/2021. until June 30, 2022 (pdf, 129.25kB)
- Resolution no. 2/07 regarding the employment of Wojciech Kiełczyński, PhD, ME on the position of an assistant professr in the group of didactic staff, 1/3 full-time equivalent, for the definite period from 01.10.2021 to 28.02.2022 in the Institute of Machine Technology and Materials (pdf, 158.47kB)
- Resolution no. 1/07 regarding giving opinion on 1. curriculum of the inter-faculty 1st degree study course (in Polish) in power engineering realized at FMEST, FECE, FCEE, 2. curriculum of the inter-faculty 2nd degree study course (in English) in power engineering realized at FMEST and FECE (pdf, 234.77kB)
- Resolution no. 7/06 regarding giving opinion on the development of FMEST GdańskTECH (pdf, 122.56kB)
- Resolution no. 6/06 regarding giving opinion on expressing consent for additional employment of professor Jerzy Łabanowski, PhD, DSc, ME (pdf, 135.73kB)
- Resolution no 5/06 regarding the employment of Piotr Bela, MSc, ME as an assistant in the group of didactic staff, 1/2 full-time equivalent, for the definite period from 01.10.2021 to 30.06.2022r. in the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Technology (pdf, 155.42kB)
- Resolution no. 4/06 regarding the modification of the employment conditions of Leszek Osiecki PhD, DSc, ME, employed at the Institute of Machine Technology and Materials (pdf, 154.76kB)
- Resolution no. 3/06 regarding the employment of Sławomir Makowski PhD, ME as an assisstant professor in the group of didactic staff, 1/3 full-time equivalent for the duration of one year at the Institute of Energy (pdf, 148.32kB)
- Resolution no. 2/06 regarding the employment of Tadeusz Bocheński PhD, ME as an assisstant professor in the group of didactic staff, 1/3 full-time eqiuivalent, for the duration of one year at the Institute of Machine Technology and Materials (pdf, 150.63kB)
- Resolution no. 1/06 regarding the employment of professor Janusz Siebert as a professor in the group of didactic staff, full-time for the duration of two years at the Institute of Machine Technology and Materials (pdf, 146.51kB)
- Resolution no. 3/05 regarding giving opinion on the financial report of FMEST GdańskTECH for 2020 (pdf, 123.72kB)
- Resolution no. 1/05 regarding giving opinion on the Regulations of student vocational apprenticeship at FMEST (pdf, 139.79kB)
- Resolution no. 2/04 regarding giving opinion on proposals for the Rector's Awards for 2020 for personal scientific achievements (pdf, 127.76kB)
- Resolution no. 1/04 regarding giving opinion on changing the date of discontinuation of stationary 1st and 2nd degree course in transport (pdf, 135.33kB)
- Resolution no. 12/03 regarding giving opinion on completing the recruitment for extramural 1st degree course in mechanics and machine construction and ocean technology in 2022/23 academic year (pdf, 129.35kB)
- Resolution no. 11/03 regarding the employment of Jacek Nakielski PhD, ME as an assistant professor in the group of didactic staff, full-time, for the period of 2 years at the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Technology (pdf, 140.89kB)
- Resolution no. 10/03 regarding the employment of professor Edmund Wittbrodt, PhD, DSc, ME as a professor in the group of didactic staff, 1/2 full-time equivalent, for the period of one year at the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Construction (pdf, 150.01kB)
- Resolution no. 9/I/03 regarding Rector's Award for personal organizational achievements (under competition procedure) for 2020 (pdf, 132.56kB)
- Resolution no. 9/H/03 regarding Rector's Award for collective didactic achievements for 2020 (pdf, 124.60kB)
- Resolution no. 9/G/03 regarding Rector's Award for personal didactic achievements for 2020 (pdf, 124.76kB)
- Resolution no. 9/F/03 regarding Rector's Award for collective achievements in R&D activity for 2020 (pdf, 130.52kB)
- Resolution no. 9/E/03 regarding Rector's Award for personal achievements in R&D activity for 2020 (pdf, 130.57kB)
- Resolution no. 9/D/03 regarding Rector's Award for scientific achievements of Young Scientific Staff for 2020 (pdf, 128.14kB)
- Resolution no. 9/C/03 regarding Rector's Award for collective scientific achievements for 2020 (pdf, 123.61kB)
- Resolution no. 9/B/03 regarding Rector's Award for personal scientific achievements for 2020 (pdf, 125.81kB)
- Resolution no. 9/A/03 regarding Rector's Award for the general output for 2020 (pdf, 119.52kB)
- Resolution no. 8/03 regarding giving the opinion about launching the 30th edition of 1-year Post-graduate Studies (pdf, 133.10kB)
- Resolution no. 7/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course of an inter-university course medical and mechanical engineering (pdf, 152.60kB)
- Resolution no. 6/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in production management and engineering (pdf, 132.95kB)
- Resolution no. 5/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in transport and logistics (pdf, 130.60kB)
- Resolution no. 4/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in design and construction of yachts (pdf, 129.66kB)
- Resolution no. 3/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in ocean technology (pdf, 130.33kB)
- Resolution no. 2/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in mechatronics (pdf, 126.21kB)
- Resolution no. 1/03 regarding giving opinion on the curriculum of the first degree study course in mechanics and machine construction (pdf, 130.14kB)
- Resolution no. 4/02 regarding the opinion on the regulations of the functioning of science clubs at the Faculty of MEST
- Resolution no. 3/02 regarding the opinion on the regulations of financing students' projects at the Faculty of MEST
- Resolution no. 2/02 regarding the opinion on the organization regulations of the Faculty of MEST
- Resolution no. 1/02 regarding the appointment of the returning committee of the Faculty of MEST