Examples of (selected) projects realized by Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics Section | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Examples of (selected) projects realized by Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics Section

Implementation of research project: Project "The 'e-Pionier - using tertiary education institutions’ potential to boost ICT solutions in the public sector'. This project is co-funded under the European Funds Digital Poland Programme, within the Priority Axis III 'Digital competences of the society', Action 3.3 "e-Pionier – support  for  talented  programmers  to  solve  the  identified  social  or  economic  problems". No: WG-POPC.03.03.00-00-0008/16-00. Subject of the contract: "Custom-made device to assist the motor functions of the upper limb with muscular dystrophy"; Place of Project implementation: Medical University of Gdansk; 2018-2020; amount: 499 500 PLN

Application for a patent (for a new invention)" Exoskeletom to help perform motion of upper limb for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient (submission 21.10.2021). Authors:
 Wiktoria Wojnicz (Gdansk University of Technology)
 Marek Chodnicki (Gdansk University of Technology)
 Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek (Medical University of Gdansk)
 Joanna Jabłońska-Brudło (Medical University of Gdansk)
 Michał Mazur (Gdansk University of Technology)
 Maciej Kaczmarczyk (Gdansk University of Technology)
 Katarzyna Forysiak (Gdansk University of Technology)
 Anna Jednachowska (Gdansk University of Technology)