Examples of (selected) projects | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Examples of (selected) projects

Scientific and research projects performed in recent years by the Section of Mechatronics team members

  • „Application of selected mechatronic solutions for surveillance of cutting process of large-size workpiece at multi-axis milling centres” TANGO1/266350/NCBR/2015. 2015-2018. . Project head: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Kaliński. staff from the Section of Mechatronics: D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. M. Galewski, Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. M. Mazur, M.Sc. Eng. N. Stawicka-Morawska, M.Sc. Eng. A. Dąbrowski
  • „HEDGEHOG REXUS Project” 2018-2019. Project head: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, in cooperation with German Space Agency, Swedish Space Agency and European Space Agency as a part of REXUS programme
  • „GDArms – Reproducing sounding rocket environment”. 2019-2020. Project head: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, in cooperation with European Space Agency as a part of SpinYourThesis!
  • „STARDUST - Studying microbiological life in the stratosphere” 2019-2021 Project mentor and SimLE team supervisor: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, in cooperation with German Space Agency, Swedish Space Agency and European Space Agency as a part of BEXUS programme
  • „HEDGEHOG – Study of dynamic and heat environment of a space rocket” MNiSW/2019/99/DIR/NN3. 2018-2019. Project head: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, granted by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of „Best of the Best 3.0” programme
  • „Development of scientific potential of Gdańsk Tech students and a start in Formula SAE Michigan 2020 competition”. MNiSW/2020/162/DIR/NN4. 2019-2020. Project head: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, granted by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of „Best of the Best 4.0” programme
  • „Development of SimLE space projects”. 2020-2021. Project head: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, granted by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of „Best of the Best 4.0” programme

Didactic projects performed in recent years:

  • „Adaptation of M.Sc. level course Space and Satellite Technologies to labour market demands”. POWR.03.01.00-IP-.08-00-NPK/16. 2016-2018. Project head: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Edmund Wittbrodt, staff from the Section of Mechatronics: M.Sc. Eng. Adam Dąbrowski, granted by Polish National Center for Research and Development
  • „Integrated Programme for Gdańsk University of Technology Development”, POWR.03.05.00-00-Z044/17, modifications of lectures, 2018-2019, staff from the Section of Mechatronics: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Kaliński, D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Marek Galewski, Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Michał Mazur
  • „Establishment and management of M.Sc. level common Space Technologies studies in Gdańsk and Bremen””. PPI/KAT/2020/1/00007. 2020-2022. Project head: Ph.D., M.Sc. Eng. Marek Chodnicki, staff from the Section of Mechatronics: M.Sc. Eng. A. Dąbrowski, granted by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

Scientific, research and didactic projects granted as a part of IDUB programme (https://pg.edu.pl/badawcza/programy/programy-idub) performed in recent years:

  • ARGENTUM: „Development of a method for selecting the stiffness a flexible workpiece clamping for vibration suppression during high-speed milling with slender tools” 2023-2024. Project head: Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Natalia Stawicka-Morawska. Staff from the Section of Mechatronics: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Kaliński, D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. M. Galewski, Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. M. Mazur
  • HYDROGENIUM: Contribution of Gdańsk University of Technology in ESALab@ network, Project head: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng., staff from the Section of Mechatronics: mgr inż. A. Dąbrowski
  • PLUTONIUM: Performance of space research in Stardust and SimBa projects, Project head: M.Sc, Eng. Adam Dąbrowski
  • TECHNETIUM: Space Technologies as a way for scientific development of Gdańsk Tech students, Project head: M.Sc, Eng. Adam Dąbrowski
  • URANIUM: Space Technologies as a source of strong attracting force for ambitious and talented candidates for studying at Gdansk Tech, Project head: M.Sc, Eng. Adam Dąbrowski
  • RADIUM: Learning through space technologies in Bremen, Project head: M.Sc, Eng. Adam Dąbrowski
  • „MecHaRo-Lab - IDUB CoreEduFacilities”, modernization of robotics laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical and Ship Engineering, 2022-2023. Project head: D.Sc., Ph.D., M.Sc., Eng. Marek Galewski, staff from the Section of Mechatronics: Ph.D., M.Sc., Eng. Michał Mazur, granted by GUT in IDUB programme

Implementations of the research results in industrial practice:

  • „Implementation of face milling surveillance method with the locally optimal spindle speed”. Contract for PHS „HYDROTOR” S.A. in Tuchola, Poland. 2019-2020. Project head: Prof. D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Kaliński, contractors from the Section of Mechatronics: D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Sc. Eng. Marek Galewski

Applied petents:

  • A method of choosing an optimal clamp torque for fastening a flexible workpiece mainly for a face milling process, authors: Kaliński Krzysztof, Galewski Marek, Michał Mazur, Franciszek Dziewanowski, Natalia Morawska, European Patent EP3530403, 2020
  • A method of measurement of heat stream vartiation especially from space rocket surface, authors: Dąbrowski Adam, Dąbrowski Leszek, Polish patent P.423198, 2019