Vertical spindle rotational motion tribometers
PT-1, PT-2, PT-3 - vertical spindle rotational motion tribometers
The PT series test rigs PT-1, PT-2 and PT-3 were designed with the predestination for the determination of fundamental friction - wear characteristics of various bearing materials for both, sliding and rolling applications. Tested specimens support and loading systems are hydrostatic.
The test rig PG II 1Ł is designed for the evaluation of the characteristics of journal bearings. Load/velocity conditions can be controlled separately pre- or in-test, allowing for both, steady- and dynamic – state tests. Extremely low relative velocity and start/stop cycle investigation can also be performed. The rig’s lubricating system can handle various media, inclusive of water-based fluids and modern, synthetic, environmentally friendly lubricants. The system is sealed, with forced circulation and the test bearing running inside a fluid – tight encapsulation, facilitating full separation of the tested bearing from ambient influence. The test bearing module is equipped with a hydrostatic support for full self-alignment and near-zero transverse reactions at the support. The load applicator device is also hydrostatic.
Tilting torque of controlled magnitude can be applied to the tested bearing. The stand is fit for all types of journal (radial) bearings, inclusive of ceramic, polymeric and natural material based.
The stand is equipped with a customized friction force/torque sensor, providing the sensitivity required to successfully study even the extremely low friction modern designs. The main drive system to the test journal is fully integrated with the control system to allow for accurate control over the rotational velocity.

- lower specimen (non-rotational)
- upper specimen (rotational)
- fiction torque transducer
- membrane flexible support
- spherical thrust bearing knuckle (hydrostatic)
- spherical thrust bearing socket (hydrostatic)
- plunger
- AC electric motor
- belt transmission
- spindle thrust bearing (hydrostatic)
- spindle
- spindle rotational velocity transducer
- spindle radial bearings (hydrostatic)
- plunger radial bearings (hydrostatic)
- housing
The test rig, general view

The test head

General specific
- Maximum load: 12 kN
- Maximum spindle speed: 0 - 6000 rpm
- Various specimen arrangements e.g.:
- 4 - ball,
- ring – on – flat,
- ring – on – ring
- cone on 3 - balls - Controlled temperature of the test lubricant
Measured or calculated quantities
- Friction force (torque)
- Temperature of specimens and/or lubricant
- Acceleration in friction induced vibratory motion (normal and tangential to the contact interface)
Research tasks
- Friction and wear of solid materials (metal alloys, plastics, ceramics or composite) proposed for different machine elements in either lubricated or unlubricated contact
- Comparative tests of bearing or friction materials
- Comparative tests of lubricants
- The influence of lubricant on tribological processes
- Friction induced vibration
Contact person
Jacek Łubiński
Michał Wasilczuk