Win a one-time 2500 USD ABS Scholarship | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-04-22

Win a one-time 2500 USD ABS Scholarship

ABS Competition
The competition is addressed to undergraduate and graduate full-time students pursuing a degree in a relevant engineering field (e.g. mechanical engineering, naval architecture, marine engineering, offshore engineering).

Students pursuing degrees outside of the ABS core disciplines may be eligible with consideration by appropriate ABS personnel. Students must:

- demonstrate academic excellence by having maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (which corresponds to a Polish average grade of 4.0 or higher, calculated taking into account ECTS points) and no ECTS debt;

- demonstrate a proven interest in the maritime and/or energy industry;

- exhibit leadership qualities through involvement with school programs or scientific clubs or other clubs;

- be of good character and be acknowledged by members of the university faculty.

If you meet these requirements, please send your application by  e-mail to the vice-dean for student affairs: The deadline is May 20, 2024. The application should be in the form of a letter explaining why you deserve to receive a one-time ABS scholarship, with potential supporting documents. The content of the letter should be sent as a scan attached to the e-mail, just like other documents confirming the information contained in the letter. The results will be announced by June 15, 2024. By entering the competition, the candidate agrees the following personal data to be transferred to ABS: name and surname, contact details (e-mail address, telephone number), photograph for ABS publications. Competition winners have priority over others when applying for an internship at ABS.