Social sciences and modern economy - opportunities, threats, challenges | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-05-07

Social sciences and modern economy - opportunities, threats, challenges

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Economists' Science Club invites you to participate actively and passively in 19th International Studuent Science Conference entitled "Social sciences and modern economy - opportunities, threats, challenges”.

The event is free of charge (both for speakers and listeners) and will be held in an online form via MS Teams platform on 10 - 11 December 2021. Registration for the speakers is open until 14 November 2021 (using the registration form, link below).  

The event is organized by the Economists' Science Club, Institute of Economics Science at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław and Modern Business Management.  

The main assets of this conference consist in its international and interdisciplinary nature, and the fact that the speakers will be able to deliver their speeches in Polish and in English. The annual International Student Science Conferences are increasingly popular among the students of Polish and foreign universities, including among others Indian or Indonesian universities.


Prelegenci/Speakers–Konferencja Naukowa XIX MSKN|XIX International Student Scientific Conference:

Słuchacze/Listeners – Konferencja Naukowa XIX MSKN | International Student Scientific Conference: