First regatta of the combined faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology completed | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-27

First regatta of the combined faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology completed

First regatta of the combined faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology completed
Fist regatta of the newly appointed Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology were held on Wdzydzkie Lake from 17 to 19 September. Participants who crewed 14 OMEGA class yachts competed for three GUT cups: Cup of the Director of GUT Library, Cup of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology and Cup of GUT Rector. 

First two races were held on September 18 and the race for GUT Rector Cup took place on Sunday, September 19. On the same day, a race for Apollo Sails Cup was held too. 

Three cups

GUT Library Director Cup went to the crew of: Arkadiusz Wendt (skipper), Tomasz Zdunowski, Piotr Bilski, Szymon Nadolny, Andrzej Szwoch. Second place was taken by the crew of: Stanisław Karmoliński (skipper), Natalia Maciołek, Adam Popiołkiewicz, Illia Tymoshok. The crew of: Tymotheus Krauze, Mateusz Mazalon, Sławomir Gwizdała, Adrianna Barbasiewicz, Radosław Dudkowski came in third. The prizes were given by the Library Director, Anna Wałek PhD.

In the next race, the participants competed for the MEST Faculty Dean Cup. The first place was taken by the crew of: Karol Niklas, Paweł Szalewski, Honorata Socha, Michał Pasik and Dariusz Duda. Second place was taken by the crew of: Stanisław Karmoliński (skipper), Natalia Maciołek, Adam Popiołkiewicz, Illia Tymoshok. The third step on the podium was taken by: Tymotheus Krauze, Mateusz Mazalon, Sławomir Gwizdała, Adrianna Barbasiewicz, Radosław Dudkowski. The prizes were given by the vice-dean for student matters, Roman Liberacki PhD, ME.

On the last day of the regatta, the crews competed for the GUT Rector Cup. The trophy went to the crew of: Arkadiusz Wendt (skipper), Tomasz Zdunowski, Piotr Bilski, Szymon Nadolny and Andrzej Szwoch. The crew of: Stanisław Karmoliński (skipper), Natalia Maciołek, Adam Popiołkiewicz, Illia Tymoshok came in second. The third place was taken by the crew of: Tomasz Oleś, Aleksandra Bratek, Grażyna Rusiecka and Kacper Ślepowroński.

The manager of PTTK Facility in Wdzydze Zbigniew Galiński founded prizes including a free weekend at the facility, yacht charter and canoeing which were drawn among the participants of the regatta.

The regatta was organized by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Faculty's Student Council, GUT Library and GUT Student Council.