Gdańsk University of Technology lost a renowned academic teacher. Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME passed away | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-14

Gdańsk University of Technology lost a renowned academic teacher. Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME passed away

Gdańsk University of Technology lost a renowned academic teacher. Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME passed away
With a profound sadness and sorrow we received the information about the death of Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME, a retired academic teacher of the Faculty of Machine Construction and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology.

GUT lost a renowned academic teacher, scientist and engineer, a man of high culture and extensive knowledge who left a lasting impression on the development of the university and the faculty, for example as a vice-dean for general matters in 1993-1996. 

The Dean with the Faculty Council, members of staff and students would like to convey sincere condolences to the family of the departed. 

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