PGRacing Team is getting ready for next competition. The students will race in Italy  | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-21

PGRacing Team is getting ready for next competition. The students will race in Italy 

Nearly two months ago we kept our fingers crossed for the students of PGRacing Team during their competition in Formula Student event in Czechia. Now it is time for Italy - in October the team will take their racing car to Varano de' Melegari, where they will compete against teams from all over the world on Autodromo Riccardo Paletti race track. 

This time the form of the competition is a bit different, since it begins online on September 27 when static events will be held until October 1. Dynamic events will take place in Italy from 10 to 13 October 2021. 

– The form of the event is specified by the organizers and the regulations of Formula Student competition and every time the event takes place following the same principle. Due to the fact that static events are held online this year, the organization of the static compettion Business Plan Presentation has been changed and it is now divided into three stages says Wiktoria Mizera from PGRacing Team.

During the event the teams compete in dynamic and static contests in total they can get 1000 points. Before the car is allowed to appear on the track, it has to undergo regulation compliance inspection. After the technical inspection is passed, the driver is allowed to take his seat in the car. 

Modifications of the race car

We would like to remind you that the car was designed and constructed by the students from the scratch it is the fifth generation of the car based on a threecylinder Triumph Street Triple 675 and steel frame. Pneumatic gear shift has been replaced with a lighter, electrical gear shift. Start procedure module has been added along with a data display system for the driver. This year it was also possible to reduce the weight of the car in the Powertrain group dealing with the motor and drivetrain. Students keep improving their car to achieve even better results. 

– Key modifications introduced from the last competition in Czechia include modification of the rear wing, new steering wheel, construction changes in the front suspension system and perfecting traction control system  sasys Wiktoria Mizera. 

Better results

During Formula Student event in Most, Czechia, held in July, our students placed 8th in Endurance, 13th in Autocross and 16th in the general classification. Now they focus on improving these results in Italian leg of the competition.  We put more attention to preparing for the static events, something we did not have time to do before leaving to Most. We also work hard on eliminating the errors indicated by the judges during the first stage of the competition - technical inspection or Scrutineering. What is more, we are iproving the front suspension system and steering system of our car, since the drag occurring after warming up the tyres hinders achieving repeatable lap times during the most important dynamic competition - Endurance. It is a 22 km long race testing the strength and reliability of the construction  says Wiktoria Mizera.  

PGRacing Team is divided into six groups, each responsible for a different area: Suspension; Chassis – (car frame and monocoque); Powertrain - motor and transmission and Marketing – contactig sponsors, organization, promotion and organization. In total, over 30 persons are engaged into the project. 


It is worth to mention, that recruitment for the PGRacing Team will be opened at the beginning of the academic year. We would like to invite all ambitious students to apply and engage into projects such as Formula Student. Detailed information about the recruitment will appear on PGRacing Team Facebook profile. 

PGRacing Team operates within Mechanik science club at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. The supervisor of the club is Bogdan Ścibiorski, PhD, ME.