Szymon Krawczuk discusses space projects in "Science Speaks" show | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-30

Szymon Krawczuk discusses space projects in "Science Speaks" show

Szymon Krawczuk discusses space projects in "Science Speaks" show
Szymon Krawczuk studies at an intenational course Engineering and Management of Space Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. He is a co-author of two student scientific projects: HEDGEHOG i GDArms conducted in cooperation with the European Space Agency. Last week he discussed these projects in "Science Speaks" show realized by Hevelianum Science Center. In one month, at International Astronautic Competition in Dubai the students will present the results of their projects.    

These will include publications regarding the design of measurement experiments within HEDGEHOG project, there will also be a presentation on GDArms project and other presentations. 

- HEDGEHOG - High Quality Experiment Dedicated to microGravity Exploration, Heat flow and Oscillation measurement from Gdańsk consisted in examining the thremo-dynamic environment of a space rocket. Why this type of experiment? The reason was quite simple. Current scientific publications did not contain precise descriptions of vibrations in such rockets from the perspective of frequencies. Available measurements fell within the scope of tens of Hz. We measured these vibration parameters with the frequency of kHz, which is much higher. This allows us to understand better the exact nature of the vibrations - says Szymon Krawczuk. 

Adam Dąbrowski was the project leader and team members included also Jacek Goczkowski and Karol Pelzner. 

Another project discussed by Szymon Krawczuk was GDArms. – In a way, this was a reversed HEDGEHOG. HEDGEHOG examined what was happening during the flight of the test rocket. In GDArms we set a reversed problem. We wanted to achieve similar values without using a test rocket - to build a "rocket-less" rocket. We built a special stand to simulate the rocket's environment. It included a device designed by us, which was a combination of vacuum thermal chamber with appropriately controlled vibration inductr. The device was placed in hyper-gravity centrifuge. The centrifuge - analogically to a car - simulated forcing the passenger against the back of the seat, connected with the acceleration of the rocket in progress motion, while the inductor simulated the vibrations accompanying this motion occurring for example when a rocket tears through the atmosphere. We achieved satisfying results. - says Szymon Krawczuk.  

Szymon Krawczuk was interviewed by Magdalena Maszewska, Hevelianum educator and astronomer. In the show our student gave reasons why you should participate in students projects and also presented intersting projects offerred by European Space Agency.

The whole show is available at Hevelianum YouTube channel.

„Science Speaks” is a monthly cycle of talks with scientists, experts and science communicators about the influence of science on our reality, chances and possibilties dwelling in the development of science and technology and about socially important issues. The event is a part of the project „SPINaj naukę”, an initiative of Stowarzyszenia Społeczeństwo i Nauka (SPIN) (Society and Science Association) co-created by Hevelianum. It is also a part of the celebrations of 410th birthday of Jan Heweliusz, patron of the Hevelianum Science Center and one of the most exquisite representatives of the scientific world of the 17th century.