A female student of mechatronics receives a stipend in "New technologies for girls" program | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-10-18

A female student of mechatronics receives a stipend in "New technologies for girls" program

A female student of mechatronics receives a stipend in "New technologies for girls" program
Paulina Maciejewska, a student of mechatronics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology was awarded one of 25 stipends in "New technologies for girls" program.

"New technologies for girls” is the first Polish stipend program for young ladies who want to join their future with new technologies, realized by the Education Foundation Perspectives and INTEL company. Stipendists of the program will receive substantial and financial support. They will be supervised by a mentor - an experienced employee of Intel company. The stipend amounting to 12000 PLN (gross) will partially cover the costs they incur due to studying. The stipendists will also be invited to participate in an internship program in Intel Research and Development Center in Gdańsk (the largest Intel R&D facility in Europe).

The initiative aims at making young ladies interested in new technologies and study courses associated with creating new technology. The objective of the program consists in providing young women with support in studying and in planning and developing profesional career in technology. 25 stipendists were selected from over 800 applicants. The stipends were awarded to high school graduates and IT-course students from universities in the whole country. The recruitment process was divided into two stages.

The organizers selected stipendists on the basis of such criteria as the achievements, hobbies, personality and level of committment. The winners received their stipends on October 12 during an inauguration ceremony.