Date added: 2021-10-29
Professor Zbigniew Korczewski in TOK FM about wind farms: "I see more advantages than disadvantages"

Looking at the wind farms, I see significantly more advantages than disadvantages. First of all, bearing in mind the major objective associated with them – namely reaching climate and environmental neutrality as soon as possible in order to decrease the greenhouse effect anc CO2 emission. Building off-shore wind farms increases the chances of reaching the target – said professor Zbigniew Korczewski, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, coordinator of the GUT Center for Off-shore Wind Energy, in TOK FM science show.
Among the main advantages of the off-shore wind turbines professor Korczewski listed the issues conneted with reducing the environment polution, stronger and more stable winds at the seas as opposed to the lands, while high costs of the technology were mentioned among the disadvantages.
The scientist discussed transport and erecting of the largest off-shore wind turbines. He also mentioned the activities that are undertaken in order to decrease the impact of wind turbines on the fauna, as well as technological challenges including, among others, monitoring how an off-shore wind turbine affects a marine environment and how this environment degrades the turbine itself
– It is not necessary to do this on real constructions. We always start with numerical simulation of a process. GUT has very well equipped laboratories, we also have renowned specialists in this area - emphasized professor Korczewski. – The number of problems that need to be solved is quite high, for example problems associated with corrosion, deformations of the structure, resistance to vibration or reducing the acoustic emissions. Gdańsk University of Technology is ready to conduct such projects, in fact is has already been involved in some, however, at this stage the university is waiting for the statements from investors regarding their expectations. GUT's ambitions consist in conducting a scientific supervision over any actvities in this area, starting from the investment plans, throug the construction of the off-shore wind farms, to operational supervision of their usage.
I am a fan of this technology, because it is a way to protect the environment. There is no emission, the energy is clean. It is quite expensive today, but the technologies involved are under constant development, so the investment costs will be lowering – concluded professor Korczewski.