Date added: 2021-11-18
Gdańsk University of Technology is the most popular university in Poland among candidates

The Ministry of Education and Science published the results of admission for studies in the academic year 2021/2022. 428,000 people were accepted for 1st and 2nd cycle studies. Technical universities dominated among the universities most willingly chosen by young people. Apart from Gdańsk Tech, the podium also included the Warsaw University of Technology (over 7 candidates for the place) and the Poznań University of Technology (over 6 candidates for the place). The Łódź University of Technology and the University of Wrocław were ranked next.
– We are very pleased that so many candidates for studies wanted to study at Gdańsk University of Technology – says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech. – Young people nowadays are very aware and considerate, and when choosing a university they pay great attention to what career prospects individual universities can offer them. We offer the possibility of studying on one of the most beautiful campuses in Europe, with a well-prepared teaching staff, modern teaching methods, as well as the certainty of a stable and well-paid job after graduation. And all this in the heart of Gdańsk, an open and friendly city, with dynamically developing industry and business.
Information technology invariably comes first
The Ministry has also published a list of the most popular fields of study in the current academic year. In the top ten, according to the total number of applications, IT remains the first (36,026 applications nationwide), followed by psychology (35,264 applicants) and management (29,272 applications). In the following places there were: medicine, law, economics, finance and accounting and construction. Logistics closes the top ten.
On the other hand, if we take into account the number of candidates for one place, the most popular fields of study in the 2021/2022 academic year were: nanostructure engineering (27.8), Korean studies (26.6), green technologies (25.1), Internet of Things engineering (22.0), image communication (18.3). Oriental philology - Japanese studies, mechanics and machine design, oriental studies - Japanese studies, English studies as well as automation, robotics and control systems were also very popular.
The most popular fields of study at Gdańsk Tech
Among the top five most frequently chosen fields of study at Gdańsk University of Technology are: economics; spatial management; economic analysis; automation, cybernetics and robotics as well as yacht design and construction. In turn, the largest number of applications in total was recorded in the field of IT and construction.