Machines in space and traffic on space routes in TVP3 Gdańsk | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-11-03

Machines in space and traffic on space routes in TVP3 Gdańsk

Machines in space and traffic on space routes in TVP3 Gdańsk
On November 3, 1957, 64 years ago, Soviet satellite Sputnik 2 with the dog called Łajka on board was launched into space. Today we know that experiments involving animals are immoral. After all, the technology has developed significantly, as can be seen at Gdańsk University of Technology.

Here, also at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, scientists and students work on innovative research and devices. Study courses associated with space are being launched. These were the subjects of the speech delivered by Marek Chodnicki, PhD, ME in TVP3 Gdańsk show "Good morning, Gdańsk speaking".

– Few years ago - in cooperaton with Naval Academy and Maritime University of Gdynia - we launched an inter-university study course called satellite technologies (2nd degree course). This year University of Gdańsk joined the consortium. We have also launched an international course in cooperation with Hochschule Bremen. These courses enjoy a very high interest among the students – said Marek Chodnicki. 

Machines in space

In 1969, for the first time in history, a man set his foot on the Moon. However, today, instead of people in space we have machines. Sending a man to the Moon does not bring much, realy. In much the same way we can send a probe, take the samples and conduct the research here on Earth - added M. Chodnicki.

See the video, starting from 39th minute. 

The program created by Piotr Stolec included also the issues connected with the traffic on space routes and with revealing the secrets of space.