Date added: 2021-11-11
Three Golden Lion Cubs statuettes for FMEST students. Results of the Plebiscite

SimLE science club took the prizes in two categories - Science Project and Student Development Project .
The best projects
Stardust project received the award in the first category. The project consists in realizing stratospheric missions. The newest and the most challenging of these is the microbiological mission started by the team in 2019 witin REXUS/BEXUS program organized by Swedish Space Agency (SSC), German Space Council (DLR) and European Space Agency (ESA). The objecttive of the mission: collect biological material from the stratosphere and test it for the presens of bacteria that have not been described yet.
The project is conducted by the students divided into two groups: microbiological and technical. The members of the project team include students from a number of faculties: Chemistry, Electronics, Telecommunication and IT, Electrical and Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. The final mission took place in September 2021 in Swedish Esrange Space Center. Launch campaign lasted 10 days and in that time the students prepared the experiments for the flights. During the flight lasting several hours the students tracked the progress of the experiment from the ground base. After the mission was completed and the pod landed, SSC staff transported the experiments to Esrange by helicopter. The samples were secured and after coming back to Poland the students started researchning them in the laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry. Microbiological samples are now investigated and the students are preparing the realization of a scientific publication.
SimBa project was persumed to be the best Student Development Project. The team involved in this project builds rockets. In October 2021 the students participated in the European competition EuRoC in Portugal. They also participated in the International Astronautical Congress 2021 in Dubai. This is one of the biggest concgresses of this type in the world. Currently the group is designing their sixth rocket which will be launched in Spaceport America Cup 2022 in June. Students who start their participation in the project build small vehicles, allowing them to gain the essential knowledge about the construction of rockets. Moreover, their rockets can be launched within competitions such as Experimental Rocket Flight or Meteor Festival. SimBa project is the venue where students can put the knowledge they gained in the course of their studies to a practical use, they learn about space technologies, they become better engineers and learn how to transfer knowledge to younger students, carrying on the passion for rockets in SimLE for quite a few university generations.
Students involved in SimLE perceive the results of the plebiscite as their great success - they won the prizes in each category they were nominated. They are happy that their achievements and projects are appreciated by other students.
In Sports category, the voters and the jury selected Izabela Satrjan, a student of the ocean technology at FMEST. She is a member of the national team of Polish Sailing Association in formula kite. A varsatile athlete with numerous team and individual achievements including: AMP championships in Sailing 2020: first place individually, first place in a team, first place UTE, first place UTE team; AMP championship in rowing ergometer 2020: second place individually UTE, AMP championship in mountain biking 2020: seventh place individually. Achievements in the national team of Polish Sailing Association: first place in Kitefoil Italy Championship 2020, Gallipoli; fifth place Poland Championship 2020, Puck; twelfth place in Kitefoil European Championship 2020 Maspalomas; fifteenth place in relay Kitefoil European Championship 2020, Traunsee; first place Omega Class Poland Championship 2018; first place Omega Class Cup of Poland, 2018; third place Cadet Class Poland Championship 2016.
The prizes were awarded on Saturday, November 13, 2021. It was the sixth edition of the plebiscite. Sincere congratulations to the winners!