Corrosion of ocean technology structures versus safety. PhD thesis of Krzysztof Wołoszyk has been honoured! | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-27

Corrosion of ocean technology structures versus safety. PhD thesis of Krzysztof Wołoszyk has been honoured!

Corrosion of ocean technology structures versus safety. PhD thesis of Krzysztof Wołoszyk has been honoured!
Influence of corrosion on the strength of construction elements on ships or drilling platforms is the subject Krzysztof Wołoszyk PhD, ME of the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Technology wrote his thesis about. The thesis was defended with honours. All this work was conducted to avoid accidents and improve the safety in the future.   

Due to the fact that ocean technology structures (vessels, drilling platforms) operate in sea water with a high content of salt they are exposed to corrosion. In the beginning, the structures are covered with paint and for a certain period of time the efficiency of the anti-corrosion layer is quite high. Later, the paint begins to flake and corrosion process begins. The strength of corroded elements is lowered which may lead to the destruction of the structure (for example, the hull of a ship breaks in two). The objective of my research consisted in testing the influence of corrosion on the strength of the construction in order to improve its safety already in the design stage - says Krzysztof Wołoszyk. 

Krzysztof Wołoszyk's research concentrated on steel, thin-walled elements used in shipbuilding, although the influence of corrosion can also be relevant for other objects: bridges or coastal equipment and constructions. 

The research

The research consisted in exposing construction elements to accelerated corrosion. K. Wołoszyk, PhD, designed a tank and placed stiffened plates in water. The aeration was correct and circulatory pumps provided the circulation of water. Temperature was also raised. After corroding the plates, I measured them precisely. Additionally, I examined small plates in order to determine their mechanical properties. - he says. 

Next, large samples (plates) were destroyed to test their ultimate limit state - or the maximum compressive strength that can be transferred by the given element. Small samples were subjected to strain test to determine mechanical properties. 

In the next stage, numerical model was developed, to present as precisely as possible the nature of the destruction of the loaded plate. On the one hand, K. Wołoszyk wanted to take into consideration the loss of thickness on the conducted measurements and on the other hand he wanted to include the changes in the mechanical properties. Both aspects were applied in the numerical model and a very good convergence with the experimental results was obtained.

Krzysztof Wołoszyk's PhD thesis was supervised by professor Tomasz Mikulski, PhD, DSc, ME, and professor Yordan Garbatov of the University of Lisbon. 

Organizational activity

During his PhD studies Krzysztof Wołoszyk represented doctoral students in the Faculty PhD Committee. He is also a member of the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress - international committee dealing with matters associated with constructon of ships and ocean technology structures. He also participated in the organization of an international conference PostGradMarTech on marine subjects, where young researchers from all over the world shared the results of their research.