Increased Ministry of Education and Science ranking for "Polish Maritime Research" journal | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-31

Increased Ministry of Education and Science ranking for "Polish Maritime Research" journal

Increased Ministry of Education and Science ranking for "Polish Maritime Research" journal
Journal „Polish Maritime Research” has now 100 points in the ranking. Ministry of Education and Sciecne updated the list of ranked journals. "PMR" is now in part "A". 

„Polish Maritime Research” is published as a quarterly journal by the Institute of Ocean Technology and Ship Building at FMEST, Gdańsk University of Technology. The journal directed at Polish and international readers presents novelty ideas and achievements in the fields connected with widely understood marine economy. Particularly, it contains papers on design, construction and operation of ships, ship equipment and ocean technology equipment, submersibles, port infrastructure and ecological aspects of exploration and usage of maritime environment. The journal is the only Polish journal dealing with these matters. 

For "Polish Maritime Research" the increase of ranking to 100 points means, amomg others, supporting the development of maritime industry through creating solutions and subjecting them to the assessment of the scientific community. A single participation of each author in a given publication contributes to te integration of the scinetific teams from various faculties and universities alike. 

First issue of „Polish Maritime Research” came out in 1994.

Editing team:

Editor in chief: professor Wiesław Tarełko

Deputy Editor in chief: professor Janusz Kozak, professor Wojciech Litwin

Cooperating editors:  professor Damian Bocheński, professor Jerzy Kowalski, professor Tomasz Mikulski, professor Lech Rowiński, professor Rafał Szłapczyński

Manuscript editor: Jacek Rudnicki, PhD

Webpage editor: Aleksander Kniat, PhD

Editor and editorial team secretary: Małgorzata Bikonis, MSc

More information about the journal can be found on its website.