SimLE sience club received a money award to continue the development of Stardust project! | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-13

SimLE sience club received a money award to continue the development of Stardust project!

 SimLE sience club received a money award to continue the development of Stardust project!
5000 zlotys for further development of Stardust project was awarded to SimLE science club during BioTech Daily conference. Members of SimLE took second place in "Enthusiasts" category.  

The contestants had to deliver a 3-minute presentation to a panel of experts. Members of SimLE science club presented two projects: Silverhand and Stardust. 

Silverhand project – a concept of a hand prosthesis with high possibilities of customization and low production costs using modern technologies of 3D printing. 

The subject of the Stardust presentation revolved around the concept of microbiological research conducted in the stratosphere and possibilities of commercialization of the solution in cooperation with biotechnological companies. Stardust Microbiology Project – is an interdisciplinary science project conducted in cooperation with European, Swedish and German Space Agencies, aimed at discovering previously unlisted species of microorganisms and subsequent development of mechanisms allowing their survival in conditions including high exposure to cosmic radiation, low temperature or humidity. 

Third edition of BioTech Daily conference is a history now. From 2019, Gdańsk Science and Technology Park has played host to persons interested in subjects revolving around biotechnology. During the conference, the attendants can exchange their knowledge and experience, meet new partners and improve their skills. This year's edition novelty included a module dedicated to start-ups - LifeScience competition.