Spacecraft Structural Dynamics & Loads | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-12

Spacecraft Structural Dynamics & Loads

Spacecraft Structural Dynamics & Loads
Spacecraft Structural Dynamics & Loads is an introduction to the analysis of loads and space structure vibrations. Dynamic loads that a payload is subject to during the rocket launch will be described together with technical hints for the design of a satellite mechanics and as well as payload testing.

The lecture is open to the community of Gdańsk University of Technology and Hochschule Bremen. It is a part of the initiative ESA_Lab@Gdańsk, a cooperation between European Space Agency and Gdańsk University of Technology. The person responsible for the lecture is Adam Dąbrowski ( from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.

Adriano Calvi PhD is the Mechanical, Thermal and Propulsion Systems Engineer of the Euclid Project, since 2012. He has contributed to several space projects, such as Spacehab, MPLM, Columbus, GOCE. In 2011 he was appointed Mechanical Lead Engineer of Sentinel-3. He has contributed to several ECSS documents. He was chairman, technical manager and co-author of the “Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis Handbook”. He is lecturer in Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis at the ESTEC Training Centre.

The lecture will take place on Friday, January 14th, 2022 09:00-12:00 CET online via MS-Teams