Date added: 2023-01-20
Grenoble Ginsen Summer School 2023 - Applications are open!

This year, GINSEN Summer School is offering a new option to students! They can once again design their summer program by getting:
The "GINSEN Pack"
- 3 weeks of scientific lectures, French and Interculturality classes, lab sessions and visits to high-tech R&D facilities
- June 19th to July 7th, 2023
- 3 ECTS credits
- And adding the "Project Pack" for an even more hands-on experience, 1 extra (optional) week of a group project of their choice related to their program July 8th to July 13th, 2022
As well as the usual social program with daily excursions, escape games and loads more!
Target audience
The nanotechnology program specializes in nano functional materials and microsystems and is tailored for students in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Applied Physics, Telecommunication, Material Science, Electrical Engineering (preferably at 3rd year of bachelor's or 1st year master’s level). Students will get to have 2 full days of training in a research-grade clean room, where they will microfabricate their own solar cells.
The smart energy program capitalizes on Grenoble's expertise on energy and sustainable development and is tailored at students from IT or Energy (preferably at 2nd or 3rd year of bachelor's or 1st year master’s level). Students will learn about societal challenges by taking courses in energy, machine learning, urban modelling, smart-grids as well as attending various lab sessions.
Key dates for the 2023 edition
• Online applications* opened on Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 and close on Monday, March 20th, 2023 (including)
• The admission period takes place between Monday, March 20th and Friday, March 31st, 2023
• Program dates: June 19th - July 7th, 2023
Or June 19th - July 13th, 2023
• Program description: scientific lectures, lab sessions and visits to high-tech R&D facilities, as well as Management, French Language and Interculturality classes.
• Teaching method: in-person.
• Attribution of credits: 3 ECTS for 3 first weeks of the program (Ginsen pack).
• Extracurricular activities: daily excursions, boardgame nights, nights out with the international student’s association, escape games, etc.
Ginsen Pack | Project Pack |
3 000 € | 300 € for extra week |
• 10% off for early applicants (must have submitted everything before Jan 31st)
Fees include:
• All lectures and practical sessions
• Accommodation in Grenoble, 1 private room per student
• Visits to high-tech scientific facilities
• Planned extracurricular activities
• Administrative registration fees
• Medical insurance (covering medical expenses and bills for the entire duration of the summer program)
• Civil liability
Scientific partnerships and collaborations
Grenoble INP - Phelma, UGA // Grenoble INP - Ense3, UGA // Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA // CEA - French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission // Minatec - Micro and Nanotechnology innovation campus // European Synchrotron Radiation Facility // CUEF - University Centre for French Studies
Application link: