FMEST Students among RADIUM research projects winners | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-07-24

FMEST Students among RADIUM research projects winners

Student from our Faculty as winners of RADIUM research projects
Eleven submitted scientific projects involving particularly talented students in research activities have been awarded funding under the Radium Learning Through Research Programs. The total value of the awarded funds exceeds PLN 261,000. Among the awarded projects, two will be implemented at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.

Biofunctional hydrogel for use in bone cements

One of these is ‘Development of a biofunctional, synergistically cross-linked hydrogel and characterisation of its application in dual-bonding bone cements’. The project, led by Dr Marcin Wekwejt, Eng (Department of Biomaterials Technology), will receive funding of PLN 23,760.00. Within the framework of this mentoring grant, Eng. Maryia Khamenka will pursue Individual Research Studies (2nd degree) in the field of Mechanical and Medical Engineering. The planned research will be conducted in cooperation with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Dr Justyna Kozłowska, Prof. UMK). Their ultimate goal is to obtain a new type of biocomposite bone cement for minimally invasive orthopaedic surgery.

Photothermoablation of tumours using gold nanoparticles

Another award-winning project is the ‘Realisation of Individual Research Studies in the field of human skin irradiation with selected gold nanoparticle heating lasers for photothermoablation of tumours’, led by Paweł Ziółkowski, PhD (Department of Thermal Power Systems and Equipment). Funding for the project amounts to PLN 23 955.80 and will be used by Marta Cecotka, Eng. a second-year Mechanical Engineering student. The research will be conducted in collaboration with the Medical University of Gdańsk (Prof. Dr. Michał Pikuła, and Prof. Dr. Jacek Zieliński) and the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies in Los Alamos (Dr. Maria C. Nevarez Martinez, Eng.). The aim of the research will be to evaluate the heat conduction process in skin subjected to photothermoablation in a customised chamber. The analysis will focus on studying the effect of gold nanoparticles, applied to the skin surface and irradiated with a laser, on the conditions of heat flow into the skin. 

We congratulate the mentors and winners of the awarded projects and wish them success in their research. We are proud that FMEST students have the opportunity to carry out such innovative and important research projects.