Students competed using robots they had made | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-07-03

Students competed using robots they had made

Students competed using robots they had made
On Wednesday, 26 June 2024, technology and innovation enthusiasts had the opportunity to participate in a unique event - the 'Robot Challenge' Remote Controlled Robot Competition. The event took place on the green square in front of Building 40 of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, attracting robotics enthusiasts and aficionados.

"Robot Challenge" was a dynamic competition that pitted teams of constructors and their extraordinary remote-controlled robots against each other. It was an excellent opportunity to see ingenious constructions in action, the fruit of the creativity and knowledge of the students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.

Course of the Event

The event began punctually at 11:00 with the opening ceremony, which brought together not only students but also lecturers, faculty authorities, and a large number of interested attendees. After the official opening, the teams had the opportunity to present their robots to the audience, and then the exciting competition began.

The contestants competed in various challenges that tested not only technical skills but also creativity and strategic abilities. The audience watched with bated breath as the robots overcame obstacles, performed complex tasks, and competed against each other in various categories. Although the competition featured four robots in four teams of about eight members each, only two robots competed against each other in all categories.

Winners and Distinctions

The results of the competition were extremely exciting. After a fierce battle, first place was won by the team with the robot 'Little Bastard,' which completed the competition in all categories and scored the highest number of points. Second place went to the team with an unnamed yellow robot, and third place went to 'Tank,' a robot that, although it only competed in one category, performed very well in it. The last, fourth place went to another unnamed robot, which we will refer to by its color, "black."

Od lewej: "Żółty", "Czarny", "Czołg" i "Mały Drań".

Atmosphere and Reactions

The atmosphere during the 'Robot Challenge' was full of enthusiasm and energy. Participants and spectators alike had the opportunity to exchange experiences, and ideas, and inspire each other. The event demonstrated the enormous potential of young engineers and the importance of supporting initiatives that promote the development of science and technology.


The Remote Controlled Robot Competition 'Robot Challenge' 2024 was not only an opportunity to compete but also a celebration of innovation and creativity. Thanks to the commitment of the students and Professor Piotr Mioduszewski, who initiated the competition, the event became an inspiring example of how passion and knowledge can lead to the creation of extraordinary technologies. We look forward to the next edition, hoping it will bring even more excitement and amazing constructions.