• 2021-09-21

    Apprenticeship at Aptiv company

    Hand-motion control in vehicles? Autonomous vehicles? Meet Aptiv company, supporting the largest automotive companies for many years by delivering and developing safer, more ecological and better-connecting solutions. The company employs 180000 people in R&D and production facilities worldwide. It also gives students a possibility to gain interesting experience and widen their knowledge during...

  • 2021-09-21

    PGRacing Team is getting ready for next competition. The students will race in Italy 

    Nearly two months ago we kept our fingers crossed for the students of PGRacing Team during their competition in Formula Student event in Czechia. Now it is time for Italy - in October the team will take their racing car to Varano de' Melegari, where they will compete against teams from all over the world on Autodromo Riccardo Paletti race track.  This time the form of the competition is a bit...

  • 2021-09-20

    International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "(In)equality. Faces of Modern Europe"

    Are you interested in the world and its analysis? Are you touched by problems and inequalities you see? Join the discussion and listen for free to lectures of the researches from all over the world. Take part in the second International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "(In)equality. Faces of Modern Europe" which will be held in Wrocław.   Date and venue: 19-21 November 2021. The...

  • 2021-09-20

    RC vehicles on a parcour. Students in training before the faculty-wide competition

    Four teams of three persons and remote-controlled vehicles. Mechatronics students are training before the competition that will soon take place at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.  Students of mechatronics (1st degree course, 6th term) have a whole term to design and build an RC vehicle that will go through an obstacle course and parks in a garage. There are no...

  • 2021-09-17

    Apprentice in Infrastructure/Technology department

    Eaton Kampus announces recruitment for the position of an apprentice in Infrastructure/Technology department. Main duties • working on a project of noise reduction in the company, • cooperation with maintenance services, • preparation of plans and schedules of repairs and improvements, • daily support of all the departments in the company, in the areas connected with basic...

  • 2021-09-15

    ISO standards and management through quality (TQM) - recruitment is now open!

    Recruitment for two-term post-graduate studies "ISO standards and management through quality" is now open. This year's we will hold the 30th edition of the course. First meeting is scheduled for the weekend of 08-09.10.2021.   Graduates of the post-graduate studies "ISO standards and management through quality (TQM)" will gain necessary knowledge on the modern methods of managing...

  • 2021-09-14

    LIVING LAB GUT research group invites the university's staff for training

    Interdisciplinary research group LIVING LAB GUT organizes a training for the employees of Gdańsk University of Technology entitled “Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for characterization of biological materials”. The training will be held between 18-22 October and it will be conducted by Jakub Sandak, PhD, DSc, ME a scientist and world-renowned specialist from InnoRenew...

  • 2021-09-14

    Gdańsk University of Technology lost a renowned academic teacher. Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME passed away

    With a profound sadness and sorrow we received the information about the death of Jan Kłopocki, PhD, ME, a retired academic teacher of the Faculty of Machine Construction and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology. GUT lost a renowned academic teacher, scientist and engineer, a man of high culture and extensive knowledge who left a lasting impression on the...