• 2021-09-13

    Simultaneous production of electrical energy of heat and cold? We have not had it before in Poland

    Such a hybrid equipment has not been available in Polish market, quite recently this device has been developed at Gdańsk University of Technology. We are talking about a tri-generation device for simultaneous prodction of electrical energy of heat and cold. The device is to improve the enregy efficiency and also develop dispersed, low-emmission energy sources.  The system is an effect of a...

  • 2021-09-13

    Inauguration of the academic year 2021/2022

    The ceremonial meeting of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year 2021/2022 will be held on 1 October at 11.15. Due to the epidemic situation, just like last year, the central ceremony inaugurating the new academic year will be held in a hybrid manner. The list of direct participants of the ceremonial session of the Gdańsk Tech...

  • 2021-09-10

    "ABS SCHOLARSHIP" – Awards for the best students of WOiO/IOiO PG of the 2020/2021 academic year

    For the ninth time, the American Bureau of Shipping – ABS has provided scholarships for the best students of the Faculty/Institute of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology. This includes scholarship payments for three recipients at the level of USD $2,500, each. ABS scholarship winners are given first consideration among intern applicants. To be eligible for an ABS scholarship award,...

  • 2021-09-06

    DCT Gdańsk, a company employing a PhD student at the Faculty, awarded a TSL award

    DCT Gdańsk where Karol Moszyk, a PhD student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, works as a business transformation manager received a prestigious award TSL Awards 2020 given by the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper. The company won the award in Innovation in Logistics category for launching automated gates at lorry and rail terminals.  Karol Moszyk is currently...

  • 2021-09-03

    Coverage of the 22nd Symposium of Welding and 24th Regional Meeting of Welders

    Lectures, demonstrations of modern welding equipment and technical novelties took place during the 22nd Symposium of Welding and 24th Regional Meeting of Welders held on Thursday, September 2 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.  In the auditorium, the audience had the opportunity to listen to speeches delivered by scientists and representatives of the welding...

  • 2021-09-03

    Students are sending a balloon into... the stratosphere to study "mysterious" bacteria

    The stratospheric experiment by the SimLE research club, operating at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology and by the Gdańsk Tech Biotechnology Students Club, is getting closer to the final in the REXUS/BEXUS program (Rocket/Balloon Experiments for University Students). Recently, the students have successfully undergone the EAR (Experiment Acceptance Review), and in less...

  • 2021-09-02

    Cosmetics based on carrot pomace extracts. This is how biomass can be used

    Natural cosmetics based on carrot pomace extracts or bioplastics from potato leftovers - such can be the use of biomass, so far considered useless waste. This is the result of the research carried out under the project BioBIGG: Bioeconomics in the South Baltic Area: Innovations based on the use of biomass and the development of green areas. Gdańsk University of Technology was one of the...

  • 2021-08-31

    PGRacing Team students talked about their race car on TV. See video

    Students from PGRacing Team appeared live on TV this Monday in Dzień Dobry TVN morning show. They presented the capabilites of the race car they built on their own and talked about the international competition Formula Student.  During their performance, the students showed how to get off the car - not a simple feat as it turns out.  See the video – It is quite a challenge. You need...