Data dodania: 2023-08-10
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology will be recruiting soon
Interest in studying at Gdansk University of Technology is constantly growing. This year the university considered 31.3 thousand applications for 1st degree studies, which is more than 5 thousand more than in the previous year, of which about 7 thousand are candidates for studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. The most popular majors at our faculty turned out to be transport and logistics, mechatronics, mechanics and machine construction, production management and engineering.
The next chance to start studying at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology will come on September 5, when enrollment for first- and second-degree candidates will begin. The detailed schedule for supplementary recruitment is as follows:
- September 5-12 - electronic registration in the eRecruitment system
- September 18 (16:00) - publication of ranking lists
- September 19-22 - submission of documents to the Commission
- September 26 (4:00 p.m.) - publication of lists of those accepted for studies
Note: Candidates who applied during the previous stage of recruitment are exempt from the recruitment fee.
For the recruitment for the second degree program, the schedule looks like this:
- September 5-18 - electronic registration in the eRecruitment system
- September 19-22 - submission of documents to the Commission
- September 26 (16:00) - publication of the list of those accepted for studies
More information about the recruitment process is available at
Mikołajki na PG. Zgłoś swój projekt Eko-inki
Nabór wniosków w V edycji programu Uranium